Annual Meeting Program

We look forward to welcoming you to the in-person meeting in Bellevue, Washington! Thanks to the hard work of session conveners and the meeting co-chairs, Jackie Caplan-Auerbach and David Schmidt, SSA 2022 includes a wide range of engaging lectures and trailblazing science.

See a bird’s eye view of the conference with the Meeting at a Glance, view the technical schedule in the SRL program, or build a personalized schedule in our online meeting platform. All SSA 2022 registrants were emailed instructions for accessing the online meeting platform. Look for an email from Pathable, subject line “Access SSA 2022”. If you cannot find the email in your inbox or spam folder, contact SSA at

Virtual Meeting Program

For 2022, virtual attendees may view a selection of oral presentations that are streamed live and recorded. The schedule was developed in consultation with the session conveners. To learn more, access our virtual meeting website below.

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